Argentina & Uruguay Signature


Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Punta Del Este

Find the stupendous design of Buenos Aires on a secretly guided visit.

Witness tango – Argentina’s social fortune – at one of BA’s top cafés.

Test tasty wines at a restrictive tasting at Uruguay’s best winery.

Investigate the wild and refined sides of Punta del Este, a beachside Uruguay resort town.

Stay at a handpicked choice of premium facilities.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Fairly Easy
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Argentina & Uruguay Signature.

A travel experience like no other

This example schedule was made by specialists and is intended to move your next trip. It is fit to be modified to suit your inclinations, tastes, and financial plan so you can interface with nearby societies and experience real travel on your own terms, and withdrawing at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1


  • Airport (International) with Meet & Greet – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Dining Suggestions – Buenos Aires.


  • DAY 2

BUENOS AIRES See the Signature Sights in Style

  • Recoleta, Palermo & Teatro Colon (with Lunch, 5 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


  • DAY 3

BUENOS AIRES Vintage Adventure

  • Estancia La Sofia Ranch Tour (with Lunch, 8 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


  • DAY 4

BUENOS AIRES City Streets and Tasty Treats

  • Exploring San Telmo & La Boca (with Lunch, 5 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Tango Show & Dinner at Cafe de Los Angelitos.


  • DAY 5


  • Transfer – Private – Buenos Aires – Montevideo [6 hrs (Ferry Transfer with City Tour & Lunch)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 6

MONTEVIDEO Taste and Tipple on a Vineyard Visit

  • 1/2 Day Juanico Winery Tour (with Tasting & Lunch, 4 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver/Guide
  • Montevideo at Leisure.


  • DAY 7

MONTEVIDEO Explore with an Expert

  • Exploring Colonia del Sacramento (with Lunch, 8 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 8


  • Transfer – Private – Montevideo – Punta Del Este [via Casapueblo (with Lunch, 6-8 hrs)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 9

PUNTA DEL ESTE Venture into the Outdoors

  • Cabo Polonio Discovery Tour (6 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver/Guide/Truck.


  • DAY 10

PUNTA DEL ESTE A Bit of Time on Your Own

  • Punta del Este at Leisure
  • Dinner Reservations and Car Service – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 11


  • Transfer – Punta Del Este – Montevideo [2.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.




The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • A completely redone agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable
  • Every minute of every day in-objective help from our neighborhood office
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for booked exercises are covered, except if in any case recorded in the schedule
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our neighborhood private aides likewise go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if appropriate)
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the sort of visit
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Breakfast every morning at your lodging, in addition to any suppers showed in the schedule
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get valuing from our Air Team
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Snacks, meals, and beverages (drunkard and non-heavy drinker), except if indicated in the agenda
  • Abundance stuff charges, and where pertinent, things excluded from your admission
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Early registration or late registration from inns (except if in any case determined)
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your schedule
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight redesigns, or neighborhood camera or video charges
  • Visa charges, vaccination expenses, and neighborhood takeoff charges (when pertinent)
  • Territorial trips between stops in your agenda (except if in any case demonstrated).

    Get Settled

    For your additional solace, you will have an English-talking guide hanging tight for you outside of Customs with a sign with your name on it. Your agent will help you to coordinate a gathering up with your private driver and go with you to your convenience.

    A city with an excessive number of exceptional eateries to name – old, new, and many facilitating relics from an earlier time that exhibit Buenos Aires’ interesting history – an evening or two dinings in Argentina’s political and culinary capital is enthusiastically suggested. Around evening time, think about Tegui, Aramburu, Chila, Oviedo, or Casa Cavia. From conventional to present-day Argentine food to mixed worldwide, these eateries offer a wide scope of hair-raising dishes that make certain to intrigue. Kindly address your Destination Expert for additional data or proposals.


    See the Signature Sights in Style

    Most guests to Buenos Aires are struck by the way that it has the stylish and allure of a European city, with Paris ringing a bell ordinarily. No place is this more discernible than in Palermo and Recoleta, the last viewed as the maybe most well-to-do neighborhood of the city. To comprehend why a short dunk into history is required. In the mid-twentieth century, Argentina experienced uncommon thriving. Neighborhood blue-bloods longed for contending with Paris, at that point the social focus of the world, and chose to show their abundance through the city’s design, mirroring the wonder of the French capital. See with your own eyes, after your private guide and driver have gathered you from your lodging and start the day at the awe-inspiring Plaza San Martin, directly in the core of Buenos Aires. Planned by French scene designer Carlos Thays, it is encircled by some of Buenos Aires’ most great public structures. It is not difficult to envision the existence of the more affluent classes around then as you are driving along Alvear Avenue, such a more limited size Champs Elysées up to Recoleta graveyard where ages of the Argentine tip-top have been covered, including Eva ’Evita’ Peron. From here you proceed with your city revelation north to Palermo, fixed with pioneer manors and spotted with bistros, cafés, and stores and further separated into stylish, inventive, stylish, and cool territories called Palermo Soho, Palermo Hollywood, and Palermo Viejo. Your visit finishes up driving down the Avenida 9 de Julio, probably the most stretched-out street on the planet. In transit, your private guide will take you on a visit through the nineteenth-century Teatro Colón. A sublime structure with acoustics that rate it among the best five on the planet and a chance to wonder about its luxurious inside.


    Vintage Adventure

    It is difficult to leave the cosmopolitan energy, engineering, history, and nightlife of Buenos Aires. Be that as it may, just 60 miles away, you can encounter another significant part of Argentina: a day visit to a genuine estancia. On this little common visit, you can play polo, go horseback riding, or essentially appreciate a day out in the glow and solace of the estancia, not a long way from the city, yet in the center of the pampas. It’s an awesome method to go through a day outside and appreciate a bona fide Argentine grill. Following an inn get around 10:00 am and move to the estancia, welcome beverages with empanadas will be hanging tight for you when you show up at roughly 12:30 pm. An hour or so later, devour an Asado lunch, which is a choice of meat cuts arranged in the conventional Argentinean way and joined by a wide selection of servings of mixed greens and potato dishes, just as alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks. After lunch, simply unwinding under the shade of the trees or in one of the sun lounges by the pool – there are a towel administration and pool bar – might take a break magnificently, however you can likewise go cycling and there are ponies for all levels in the event that you wish to go for a ride. A conventional English tea with cakes and scones is served around 5:00 pm, and we will return you to your inn around 6:00 pm. Please note: Although you will be secretly moved to and from the estancia close by an English-talking aide and expert driver, exercises at the estancia might be imparted to different visitors.


    City Streets and Tasty Treats

    Buenos Aires flaunts a few brilliant and special areas, yet San Telmo and La Boca – as numerous explorers will advise you – ought to involve one of the best positions. Today, San Telmo is without question perhaps the trendiest quarter of the city on account of its cool, bohemian environment and popular old-fashioned shops. Square Dorrego is the spot to be on Sundays to discover anything from collectibles, memorabilia, recycled garments to dusty magazines during its conventional Antiques Fair. From San Telmo, your private guide and driver will take you across to La Boca, apparently quite possibly the truest areas. Its set of experiences was to a great extent molded by settlers who, also to what exactly occurred in New York City’s Lower East Side, set up themselves here at this coarse port-side barrio when they showed up in Buenos Aires. An average locale, it has enviously monitored its personality, of which soccer and tango are significant fixings. What will strike you promptly is the exceptional engineering, particularly along Caminito Street which in 1959 was pronounced an open-air exhibition hall. It is crafted by one of Argentina’s most popular painters and neighborhood altruists, Quinquela Martín. He assembled neighbors to paint the houses, made out of the tin and salvaged material, in brilliant tones, imitating the early workers. The most unmistakable symbol, however, is La Bombonera (the Chocolate Box), directly in the core of the space and home of the Boca Juniors, the country’s biggest soccer club

    Buenos Aires likely could be the best spot on the planet to get a selective tango show, and the daily exhibition at Café de Los Angelitos likely could be an awesome city. This evening, appreciate an exceptional night out as you are gotten from your lodging by a private driver and a bilingual guide, at that point set out to Café de Los Angelitos. In the wake of settling at your table, take in a cozy tango execution drove by neighborhood artists, all while getting a charge out of a connoisseur supper comprising of barbecued nearby meats, worldwide dishes, and phenomenal Argentinian wines. A tactile encounter catching the quintessence of Buenos Aires tango and gastro-culture, it is a night you’ll recall for quite a while.


    A Change of Scenery

    In the wake of meeting your driver in the lodging anteroom, you will be secretly moved to the Pier in the Puerto Madero barrio of Buenos Aires to board the ship to Montevideo, Uruguay. Once locally available, unwind as you cross the monstrous Rio de la Plata on board the Buquebus Ferry, taking in the superb perspectives en route. Upon appearance, you will be met by a private driver and an English-talking guide who will guide you to your anticipating vehicle and start a top to bottom visit through Montevideo. Present-day and refined, the capital of Uruguay is frequently depicted as a dynamic, diverse spot with a rich social life. During this private guided visit, you will visit Ciudad Vieja, the pilgrim leftovers of hundreds of years past, where you’ll stroll down cobbled streets to arrive at Teatro Solis, Uruguay’s generally celebrated. You’ll likewise visit through the amazing Mercado del Puerto (or Port Market), fixed with mouth-watering cafés which serve delicious dinners that element barbecued meats conspicuously. Find Plaza Independencia (Independence Square), a wide, tree-lined square that isolates the old city from the cutting edge downtown. Here you’ll see the landmark and tomb committed to Jose Artigas, one of the country’s most celebrated children who is frequently depicted as ”the dad of Uruguayan nationhood” just as Palacio Salvo. In the downtown area, you’ll pass by amazing instances of fantastic neoclassical engineering in transit to Centenary Park, a gigantic green space including a stupendous monolith. At the finish of your experience, you will visit the upmarket areas of Punta Carretas and Pocitos to examine the numerous shops, roads, and bistros around there. Following a couple of hours spent finding excellent Montevideo, you will be conveyed to your lodging.


    Taste and Tipple on a Vineyard Visit

    Juanico Winery is perhaps the best grape plantation, and it incidentally turns out to be the nation’s biggest. Settled in the rustic Uruguayan open country, the winery was fabricated at some point around 1830 and in resulting years was modernized while holding its unique appeal and character. The outcome is an extraordinary winery where the most recent advances work in concordance with respected customs to deliver a portion of the nation’s most praised wines. On this private guided visit, stroll through a choice of the grape plantation, investigate the winery, its old-fashioned design, and root basement. Around the finish of the experience, get comfortable for a selective wine sampling experience just as a delightful, newly arranged lunch. Following your feast, you will be gotten back to your lodging in Montevideo.

    A staggering ocean-side city, a day at recreation to investigate this special city at your own speed is energetically suggested. Host to the world’s longest persistent walkway, the Rambla of Montevideo extends almost 14 miles, running along the bank of the city. Offering remarkable perspectives, it is a delight to just meander along the promenade, however, kite-flying, roller skating, sunbathing, or unwinding under the sun with a cup of mate are well-known other options. While in Montevideo, make certain to visit a café or bar to appreciate a glass of Tannat. Advocated in southwestern France, the natural product has since been received as the ”public grape” of the country, and Uruguayan Tannat is legitimately viewed as among the best on the planet. In the old city or Ciudad Vieja, make certain to visit a couple of notorious structures and areas. Here you can discover Solis Theater, the nation’s most established, established in 1856, just as Palacio Salvo, which is likely the city’s most exceptional structure. Planned by modeler Mario Palanti and finished in 1925, this fantastic design is suggestive of Palacio Barolo in Buenos Aires, which Mr. Palanti likewise planned. At last, make certain to visit through Plaza de la Constitucion. The site of basic discussions and fights during the early long stretches of Uruguayan freedom, it is the main city square in the country. Whatever you decide to do, Montevideo is everything except sure to amuse.


    Investigate with an Expert

    Colonia del Sacramento is one of Uruguay’s most established and most outwardly striking urban areas. Its noteworthy focus – announced as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995 – is fixed with frontier period structures developed during Portuguese rule, all found along excellent cobblestone roads that were intended to suit the normal shapes of the scene, giving the area an exceptional character. Extraordinary fighting among Spain and Portugal all through the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth hundreds of years cast a pall over the district as the two Crowns perpetually competed to overwhelm the locale. Notwithstanding the steady fights, the notable community was saved. On this private guided strolling visit, find the set of experiences – both new and old – of Colonia del Sacramento as you nonchalantly walk through the city, passing tourist spots including Calle de Los Suspiros (or the Street of Sighs), the Holy Sacrament Church – blessed in 1680 – the Lighthouse, and a threesome of galleries that emphasis on Spanish and Portuguese guideline, separately, and a third that has a dynamic scope of tiles that have been territorially created as the centuries progressed. During the visit, you’ll break for a renewing lunch in the memorable quarter when all is good and well and afterward walk around the shores of the River Plate where a noteworthy footpath offers the ideal chance to snap exquisite ocean side photographs. Following a day investigating Colonia del Sacramento, you will be gotten back to your inn in Montevideo.


    Sights and Insights

    Subsequent to being gotten from your inn in Montevideo, your private driver will travel east for roughly two hours to arrive at Punta del Este. Taking in seaside sees en route, your English-talking aide will make way for the day’s experience. Upon appearance to Punta del Este, visit the upscale neighborhoods of Beverly Hills, Cantagril, and San Rafael, respecting the mind-blowing scenes, at that point visit La Barra del Maldonado, a famous and noteworthy fishing town. With bright houses and perfect sea shores, this is one of Punta del Este’s must-see regions. Then, visit Playa Brava, situated on the eastern side of the promontory. See the sea shore’s acclaimed ’Fingers’ form projecting from the sand and watch surfers out on the waves. Later you’ll go to the opposite side of the promontory to see Playa Mansa, another delightful seashore. Subsequent to getting a charge out of the perspectives in Playa Mansa, you will possess free energy for lunch (included) and afterward head to Casapueblo. This popular Mediterranean-style manor and workmanship exhibition is found right on the water’s edge and was planned by Uruguayan painter and model Carlos Páez Vilaró. Visit the historical center and exhibition inside the structure and find out about the existence of the popular craftsman and the set of experiences behind this unbelievable show-stopper. Following a day investigating Punta del Este, you will be moved to your inn.


    Adventure into the Outdoors

    Cabo Polonio is an uncommon sort of heaven. For nature darlings who look for tranquil and quiet, there are not many spots like it. In spite of the fact that this segregated locale has seen a dissipating of little homes spring up lately – most totally ’off-the-lattice’ and without power or plumbing – this ensured cape is still among the most unblemished and least-visited in Uruguay. Stringently controlled, you’ll start the day by meeting your private driver and English-talking guide at your inn, at that point make the exchange to the passage of Cabo Polonio National Park where you will land and hold back to board a 4×4 truck worked by the recreation center framework. Subsequent to boarding the truck – an ambling, massive goliath – with different guests to the locale, you and your guide will travel roughly four miles (six kilometers) to arrive at the seashore. As space is without power, the beat of the locale and of its occupants is set by daylight, while its geographic area – situated inverse three little islands known as La Encantada, El Islote, and La Rasa – gives the ideal conditions to specific animals; subsequently, an enormous settlement of ocean lions is forever found here. With few limitations in regards to human communication, this is a chance to see these fun-loving creatures very close. As a rule, a bunch of wolves can be seen wandering the open country. Cold in the cold weather months and exceptionally warm in the mid-year, the ideal season to visit Cabo Polonio is in the spring when temperatures are more moderate. In the humble community, handiworks are accessible for procurement, in any case, it is the wide and warm seashores that make this territory an absolute necessity to visit during your time in Uruguay. As there are not many eateries around there, kindly consider carrying tidbits or sandwiches with you to guarantee you can completely appreciate the experience. Following a couple of hours investigating Cabo Polonio, join your guide for the return move to the passageway of the recreation center where your vehicle and driver will be standing by to return you to your lodging.

  10. Day 10 PUNTA DEL ESTE

    A Bit of Time all alone

    Go through the day at recreation in Punta del Este. Decide to loosen up seashore side, or investigate the provincial design of this waterfront town. Significant landmarks incorporate the celebrated ”Fingers of Punta del Este” and the Punta del Este Lighthouse. You can likewise invest energy walking around nearby business sectors or visiting a portion of the Roman Catholic or Jewish houses of worship around there. The day is yours! Kindly talk with your Destination Expert in the event that you might want a private guide to go along with you for the duration of the day.

    The shoreline town of Punta del Este, a jungle gym for the rich and renowned, is likewise host to various eateries intended to enchant the faculties. Around evening time, reservations will be made ahead of time at your preferred eatery, and full circle transportation in a private vehicle will likewise be given. Our Destination Expert’s top feasting suggestions in Punta del Este incorporate Life Bistro by AWA, La Bourgogne, St. Tropez, Guappa, and Lo de Tere. Please note: Your feast is excluded and will be paid for on the spot. Reservations are affirmed at the hour of booking and are dependent upon accessibility.

  11. Day 11 A Bit of Time on Your Own Spend the day at leisure in Punta del Este. Choose to relax beach-side, or explore the colonial architecture of this coastal town. Important monuments include the famous

    Bon Voyage

    You will be secretly moved from Punta del Este to Montevideo by an expert driver and an English-talking guide. The rough travel time is two hours and 15 minutes.
