Turkey’s Best Kept Secrets by Land & Sea


Istanbul, Cappadocia, Bodrum, Golturkbuku, Marmaris, Dalyan, Gemiler Island, Kas, Kalkan, Gocek, Fethiye.

Leave on a culinary and notable experience in one of Istanbul’s most stylish regions.

Welcome sunrise while floating over eminent slopes and valleys on a tourist balloon. Investigate tangled, underground urban areas in Cappadocia.

Laze about on the perfect white-sand seashores of the exquisite Turkish southwestern coast.

Stay at a handpicked determination of extravagance facilities and a personal ship contract.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Moderate
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Turkey’s Best Kept Secrets by Land & Sea.

A travel experience like no other

This example agenda was made by specialists and is intended to rouse your next trip. It is fit to be redone to suit your inclinations, tastes, and spending plan so you can associate with nearby societies and experience genuine travel on your own terms, and withdrawing at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

ISTANBUL You’ve Arrived

  • Airport (with Assistant) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Turkey Welcome Package.


  • DAY 2

ISTANBUL Explore with an Expert

  • Full-Day Tour with Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque & Basilica Cistern (7-8 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 3

ISTANBUL Cross an Item off the Bucket List

  • Grand Bazaar, Suleymaniye Mosque, and Spice Market Tour (5-6 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver/Guide
  • 1/2 Day Bosphorus Cruise (3 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Private Boat.


  • DAY 4


  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Air – Istanbul – Cappadocia [Direct – 1 hr] – Economy
  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Cappadocia Panoramic (with Lunch, 7-8 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 5

CAPPADOCIA See the Signature Sights in Style

  • Hot Air Ballooning – Ballooning
  • Cappadocia Wonders (with Lunch, 7-8 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 6


  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Air – Cappadocia – Bodrum [via Istanbul, 4 hrs ] – Economy
  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Crew Meet & Greet and Board your Luxury Yacht
  • Premium All-Inclusive Yacht Package
  • Cruising: Bodrum.


  • DAY 7


  • Cruising: Bodrum – Golturkbuku
  • Dinner Reservation at Macakizi.


  • DAY 8


  • Cruising: Golturkbuku – Marmaris
  • Yacht Toys & Adventure.


  • DAY 9


  • Cruising: Marmaris – Dalyan
  • Yacht Beach Set-up with a BBQ.


  • DAY 10


  • Cruising: Dalyan – Gemiler Island
  • Yacht Entertainment.


  • DAY 11


  • Cruising: Gemiler Island – Kas
  • Scuba Diving.


  • DAY 12

KAS TO KALKAN Sail the Seas

  • Cruising: Kas – Kalkan
  • Dinner Reservation at Kalamaki.


  • DAY 13


  • Cruising: Kalkan – Gocek
  • Gocek – Fethiye [Airport, 1.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Driver.


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves
  • Breakfast every morning at your inn, in addition to any dinners demonstrated in the schedule
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the kind of visit
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our neighborhood private aides additionally go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if material)
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for booked exercises are covered, except if in any case recorded in the agenda
  • Day in and day out in-objective help from our nearby office
  • A completely modified agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Identification expenses, vaccination expenses, and neighborhood takeoff charges (when pertinent)
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight updates, or nearby camera or video expenses
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your schedule
  • Early registration or late registration from inns (except if in any case indicated)
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Abundance things charges, and where material, stuff excluded from your toll
  • Snacks, suppers, and beverages (heavy drinker and non-drunkard), except if indicated in the agenda
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get an evaluation from our Air Team.
  1. Day 1 ISTANBUL

    You’ve Arrived

    Upon appearance in Istanbul, you will be welcomed by an English-talking guide hanging tight for you before the Gloria Jeans Cafe. Your delegate will help you organize gatherings with your private driver and go with you to your convenience.

    An invite bundle with a city map, e-tickets (if applicable), and some other touristic data that we consider you may discover helpful will be sitting tight for you upon your landing in your first inn on your excursion.

  2. Day 2 ISTANBUL

    Investigate with an Expert

    Investigate the features of Istanbul’s celebrated Golden Horn on an entire day visit, joined by a private guide and driver. Start by visiting the elaborate home of the rulers of the past, the Topkapi Palace. Wonder about its amazing design and lavish stylistic layout as your guide acquaints you with the historical backdrop of the Ottoman domain. Proceed to Hagia Sophia, one of Istanbul’s most famous constructions that rules the Golden Horn’s horizon. Enter this superb complex and feel quickly in amazement of its sheer magnificence and excellence. Take in the unpredictable mosaics and tiling and let your guide clarify how Hagia Sophia is a design impression of the city’s entrancing past. Then, investigate the underground Basilica Cistern, the biggest of the few hundred supplies worked underneath the city to furnish its occupants with water. Walk around the faint corridors and look out for the Medusa heads gladly guarding this old mechanical marvel.

    Your next stop today is the Blue Mosque. Head inside and be stunned at its radiant inside and the famous blue Iznik tiling that procured the mosque its name. Proceed to the close by Hippodrome for a brief look at what used to be the center point of the neighborhood community life hundreds of years prior. Move to the Chora Church, quite possibly the most astonishing instances of Byzantine design in Istanbul. Visit the on-location gallery for a chance to see the value in the great, Christian-propelled frescoes and mosaics. Your visit closes when you are moved back to your lodging.

  3. Day 3 ISTANBUL

    Cross a thing off the Bucket List

    Experience Istanbul’s exuberant markets and investigate quite possibly the most commended mosques in the city on a secretly guided visit. Start your day with a visit to the Grand Bazaar, one of the most established canvassed markets on the planet. Joined by your private guide, walk around the dynamic paths specked with endless shops and open your faculties to this mixture of shadings, sounds, and aromas. Watch the handy neighborhood craftsmen and experts work on their magnum opuses and evaluate your haggling abilities. Proceed to the Süleymaniye Mosque and appreciate a guided visit through this unmissable and grand construction that has molded the scene of Istanbul for quite a long time. Walk through the tremendous, vaporous insides and watch out for the absolute best instances of calligraphy around there. Head to the contiguous nurseries for an opportunity to see the value in dazzling vistas of the Golden Horn and Bosphorus. Then, advance toward the Spice Bazaar, otherwise called the Egyptian Market. Meander through this enthralling commercial center with your guide and take in the heap of sights, flavors, and smells. Stop by various slows down selling fragrant spices and debauched treats, or maybe get a cup of hot Çay and basically watch the neighborhood life pass by.

    See Istanbul’s notorious milestones from onboard a private boat voyage, joined by your proficient guide. The excursion between two landmasses as you advance down the Bosphorus straight. Pass by old wooden manors and rich marble castles specking Istanbul’s shoreline and post for the grand mosques of the Golden Horn with their universal minarets venturing high up. Take in the perspectives on the old Ottoman forts and sail past the city’s enchanting areas. A voyage down the Bosphorus permits you to encounter this superb city in a totally different manner.


    A Change of Scenery

    A private exchange will be provided from your lodging in Istanbul to the air terminal.

    Load onto a flight in Istanbul with the administration to Cappadocia. The flight length is roughly 60 minutes.

    A private vehicle with a driver and guide will give an exchange between the air terminal and your lodging.

    Meet your private driver and guide for an experience-filled day in glorious Cappadocia. To begin with, visit the pleasant Devrent Valley. Go for a guided stroll among its curious, design-like stone developments and comprehend why some consider this region the ’Creative mind Valley’. Move to the adjoining Pasabagi Valley and invest some energy investigating this topographical marvel dabbed with the omnipresent pixie smokestacks. Advance toward the town of Avanos, prestigious for its wonderfully many-sided ceramics. Eat at a neighborhood café prior to being headed to the Goreme Open Air Museum. This World Heritage Site exhibits some staggering instances of Byzantine workmanship and radiant frescos in a progression of holy places cut into the rough environmental factors. Allow your manual to acquaint you with the rich history of this interesting territory as you walk around the magical scene. Your next stop is the Uchisar Castle, the most elevated point around there. Take in the unparalleled all-encompassing perspectives on Cappadocia with Mount Erciyes gladly roosted behind the scenes. Proceed to the Pidgeon Valley, one more characteristic pearl of this staggering piece of Turkey. Relish in its superb landscape and remember to take a lot of photos. Your day finishes up as you are dropped off back at your inn.


    See the Signature Sights in Style

    There is basically no greater method to encounter Cappadocia and its phenomenal scenes than from onboard a sight-seeing balloon. Toward the beginning of today, join individual experience searchers and get a chance to see the value in perhaps the most wonderful dawns of your lifetime. Empower on a light-free breakfast while your team finishes the vital arrangements before take-off. When everybody is ready, your airplane raises gradually into the morning sky and the heavenly vistas of Cappadocia promptly unfurl before your eyes. Watch many inflatables agreeably lift up over the skyline in anticipation of probably the best show. As the sun creatures its lethargic climb, the warm beams light up your quiet environmental factors. Coast over the great slopes and valleys of Cappadocia and get a genuine feeling of the district’s fantasy territory. After about an hour noticeable all around, your pilot creatures the delicate drop and grounds the inflatable. Appreciate a glass of nonalcoholic champagne as token authentications are conveyed to all visitors. This current morning’s visit closes when you are moved back to your lodging.

    Go through your day becoming more acquainted with the set of experiences and investigating the marvelous scenes of Cappadocia, joined by your private driver and guide. Start by advancing toward Ortahisar, a characteristic fortification cut in rocks. Be astonished at the town’s enchanting stone houses that line its limited roads and visit the regular fortification that has become a significant milestone of the locale. Take in the awesome perspectives on the well-known pixie chimney stacks and the grand Mount Erciyes behind the scenes. Proceed with your day with a visit to one of Cappadocia’s underground urban communities, Kaymakli or Derinkuyu. Plunge into the underground maze and get familiar with the entrancing story of seventh-century Christians who set up these residences trying to escape mistreatment. Then, move to Cavusin Valley for a chance to see the impossible to miss shut-in settlements that remained occupied until the mid-twentieth century. Break for lunch prior to being headed to the Red Valley. Feel as though you have been moved to another planet as you wonder about the supernatural territory around you. Polish off the day with a visit to the Wine House and improve comprehension of why Cappadocia is celebrated for its ripe grape plantations. Upon the finish of the visit, you will be dropped off back at your inn.


    All Aboard!

    A private vehicle with a driver and guide will give an exchange between the air terminal and your lodging.

    Load onto a trip in Cappadocia with the administration to Bodrum through Istanbul. The inexact travel time is four hours.

    A private vehicle with a driver and guide will give an exchange between the air terminal and your yacht.

    Welcome to Bodrum! Upon appearance, you will meet your skipper and team and board your own, private, extravagance yacht.

    Appreciate seven days onboard your extravagance yacht on a comprehensive premise where every one of your suppers will be set up by your private cook. Our bundle incorporates a maintained contracted yacht, every one of your suppers and refreshments, fuel, dockage charges, charges, tips for the team just as the entirety of your private visits, supper reservations and moves ashore. You will likewise have an all-day, every-day attendant service available to you all through your outing. Just sit back, unwind locally available while we deal with all the arranging.

    Join your yacht in Bodrum, a shoreline escape with a baffling tastefulness that encompasses it, from the town’s delegated palace and astonishing marina to its blossom-filled bistros and white-put backstreets.


    Sail the Seas

    Today sail off to Gol Turkbuku, one of Turkey’s more charming locations known for its wonderful landscape encompassed by spa resorts, top-notch food openings, and extravagance shops. Go through your day investigating the old city of Ephesus and the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, jumping the wrecks by Black Island, or shopping neighborhood jewels at the Palmarina shopping center.

    Experience Macakizi this evening and enjoy a flavorful and contemporary menu going from new Mediterranean dishes to customary Turkish food staples, made by Chef Aret Sahakyan’s virtuoso hands.


    Sail the Seas

    Today, you will be whisked away to energetic Marmaris, flaunting a lovely harbor, delegated by a palace and fixed with wood-hulled yachts and the vessels of visiting mariners. Marmaris is only one of those spots that have pretty much anything, from fine seashores, craftsman shops, a vivacious nightlife scene to top-class cafés, there is such a huge amount to browse!

    No yacht is finished without a setup of some fun toys that each visitor can appreciate regardless of their age or experience. From inflatable buoys and slides to stream skis, seabobs or paddleboards, let the pleasant start and appreciate some time in the water. Have an extraordinary solicitation not included in the toy list? Allow us to source a rental to keep everybody above water with their top choices or that electric-controlled board they’ve been kicking the bucket to attempt. The group will plan extraordinary days in the water for all visitors to appreciate.


    Sail the Seas

    Next on your schedule is the excellent and quiet Dalyan River in the city of Dalyan, considered a characteristic marvel where the lake joins with the ocean. Take a little private boat and journey along dazzling streams to see the Lycian Tombs, or Kings Tombs in Kaunos complicatedly cut high up into the bluffs. Kaunos was a significant Carian city by 400 BC and the remaining parts of the venue are all around saved similar to the noteworthy remnants of a Roman shower and a sixth century church. Visit the Greek theater, the Early Byzantine Basilica Church, and the Hellenistic wellspring house to finish your stroll down the recorded paths of Kaunos.

    Permit your group to set up a remarkable sea shore day at a confined sea shore that will be all yours to appreciate. A consistent set up with every one of the conveniences anticipates, incorporating lounge seats with umbrellas, music and games, cold mixed drinks served from your beachside swim-up bar, and obviously your yacht’s assortment of fly skis, paddleboards, towable toys, and more to guarantee an ideal day of fun in the sun. Watch as the gourmet expert readies a full-spread BBQ lunch to be served under a concealed overhang for visitors to appreciate feasting in the late spring breeze with feet in the sand.


    Sail the Seas

    Visit the great Gemiler Island, accepted to be the area of the first burial place of St. Nicholas, referred to numerous as Father Christmas. Investigate the remaining parts of four Byzantine temples and walk the processional walkway which gets directly from the highest point of the island down to the ocean. Take in the amazing perspectives over turquoise oceans and green-forested slopes. Polish everything off onboard your remarkable yacht, as you taste champagne mixed drinks while watching the sublime nightfall.

    Allow us to carry the fervor to you, as you appreciate live diversion from the solace of your yacht.  Dance the night away on the top deck to the music of your number one band or DJ, or praise that extraordinary commemoration with a table-side violin serenade. Become acquainted with the neighborhood culture with a music and dance show performed under the stars, or challenge your loved ones to figure out who has the best karaoke execution in the group.  The sky’s the cutoff, and what preferable stage for gaining experiences over in a wonderful objective locally available your yacht.


    Sail the Seas

    Visit the awesome Gemiler Island, accepted to be the area of the first burial chamber of St. Nicholas, referred to numerous as Father Christmas. Investigate the remaining parts of four Byzantine temples and walk the processional walkway which gets directly from the highest point of the island down to the ocean. Take in the amazing perspectives over turquoise oceans and green-forested slopes. Polish everything off onboard your remarkable yacht, as you taste champagne mixed drinks while watching the wonderful dusk.

    Allow us to carry the energy to you, as you appreciate live diversion from the solace of your yacht.  Dance the night away on the top deck to the music of your #1 band or DJ, or praise that extraordinary commemoration with a table-side violin serenade. Become acquainted with the neighborhood culture with a music and dance show performed under the stars, or challenge your loved ones to figure out who has the best karaoke execution in the group.  The sky’s the breaking point, and what preferred stage for gaining experiences over in a wonderful objective locally available your yacht.

  12. Day 12 KAS TO KALKAN

    Sail the Seas

    A harbourside town worked around a horseshoe cove, Kalkan flaunts a cosmopolitan character that misrepresents its pleasant and enchanting roads. Kalkan was previously a sluggish fishing town, yet it has flourished into an upscale objective. Taste Turkish tea as you chase for high-quality merchandise in bougainvillea-shrouded structures. Enjoy the aroma of jasmine along Kalkan’s cobblestone roads. Visit Patara seashore, home to Loggerhead turtles, which have been laying their eggs here for as long as 40 million years.

    Appreciate delightfully introduced Turkish and Mediterranean cooking close by staggering perspectives from the rooftop porch.


    Sail the Seas

    The jungle gym of Turkey’s first class. As the core of the nation’s yachting scene, Göcek is an unmissable encounter on any yacht contract in Turkey. Find a wealth of jump locales, moorings, secret bays, and marine life. Respect the excellent coastline and take a couple of last photos of your vacation prior to landing the yacht for your forward venture.

    Meet your driver for a private air terminal exchange to Fethiye. The surmised travel time is 1.5 hrs.
