Taiwan Highlights: Coast to Coast


Taipei, Sun Moon Lake, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Hualien

Relax in the beautiful beachfront vistas of Kenting National Park, driven by a private guide.

Appreciate a private boat visit on the dazzling Sun Moon Lake.

Visit the great Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Monastery.

Investigate the sights of the capital, Taipei, around evening time and by day with a private guide.

Private air terminal exchanges, and a curated assortment of extravagance facilities.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Moderate
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Taiwan Highlights: Coast to Coast.

A travel experience like no other

This example agenda was made by specialists and is intended to move your next trip. It is fit to be altered to suit your inclinations, tastes, and spending plan so you can associate with nearby societies and experience legitimate travel on your own terms, and leaving at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

TAIPEI The Adventure Begins

  • Airport Meet & Greet
  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


  • DAY 2

TAIPEI Get a Lay of the Land

  • City Tour (4 hrs) – Private
  • Night Tour with Dinner at Din Tai Fung (4 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 3


  • Transfer – Private – Taipei – Sun Moon Lake [with Private Boat Tour (10 hrs)] – Vehicle/Boat/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 4


  • Transfer – Private – Sun Moon Lake – Kaohsiung [with Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Monastery, Walking Tour & Kaohsiung City Tour (10 hrs)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 5


  • Transfer – Private – Kaohsiung – Taitung [with Kenting National Park (10 hrs)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 6


  • Transfer – Private – Taitung – Hualien [with East Coast National Scenic Tour (10 hrs)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 7


  • Transfer – Private – Hualien – Taipei [with Taroko National Park (10 hrs)] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 8

TAIPEI Bon Voyage

  • Airport – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • A completely redone agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable
  • Day in and day out in-objective help from our nearby office
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for planned exercises are covered, except if in any case recorded in the schedule
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our nearby private aides additionally go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if material)
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the kind of visit
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Breakfast every morning at your lodging, in addition to any dinners showed in the schedule
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get valuing from our Air Team
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Snacks, meals, and beverages (drunkard and non-heavy drinker), except if determined in the agenda
  • Overabundance stuff charges, and where appropriate, things excluded from your passage
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Early registration or late registration from lodgings (except if in any case indicated)
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your agenda
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight overhauls, or neighborhood camera or video charges
  • Identification expenses, inoculation expenses, and nearby takeoff charges (when material).
  1. Day 1 TAIPEI

    The Adventure Begins

    For your additional solace, your guide will be sitting tight for you outside the traditions zone with a sign with your name on it. Your guide will help you to coordinate getting together with your private driver and go with you to your convenience.

    Meet your driver for an air terminal exchange with a private vehicle and English-talking guide.

  2. Day 2 TAIPEI

    Get a Lay of the Land

    Today you’ll appreciate a half-day private visit through the features of Taipei with an English-talking guide. After a pickup at your Taipei lodging campaign, you’ll pass by the Presidential Office and will at that point visit the principal stop of the day, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall: a noteworthy landmark to a significant Chinese pioneer. At this glorious lobby, you’ll appreciate more than 25 hectares of arranged nurseries, smooth structures, and lakes. Close by the Memorial Hall are two traditional style structures, the National Theater and the National Concert Hall. Subsequently, visit the National Palace Museum, home to almost 700,000 bits of old Chinese majestic antiquities and fine art. While numerous well-known pieces stay on lasting presentation, different things are pivoted routinely, making each visit remarkable. Following up, visit The Grand Hotel, a milestone in Yuanshan in Zhongshan District, Taipei. The fundamental structure of the inn is one of the world’s tallest Chinese traditional structures, estimating 285 feet high. It was likewise the tallest structure in Taiwan from 1973 to 1981. We’ll likewise stop at Xingtian Temple, a famous sanctuary committed to Guan Yu, the supporter holy person of financial specialists. This sanctuary is arranged on a traffic intersection close to the focal point of the city and is known for its figures of mythical beasts that are highlighted in this present sanctuary’s plan.

    Appreciate a four-hour private evening visit with an English-talking private guide. Present-day Taipei is home to numerous sanctuaries, advertisements, and energizing eating openings. This private visit consolidates these metropolitan features with a visit to Lungshan (Dragon Mountain) Temple, Taipei’s most seasoned and generally popular just as perhaps the best illustration of sanctuary engineering. Pause and appreciate a tasty supper at the universally acclaimed eatery Din Tai Fung, well known for their xiaolongbao (soup dumplings). There is likewise the chance to visit the exuberant Hwahsi Street Night Market and view Taipei’s horizon on the Taipei 101 Observatory (entrance ticket is incorporated).


    A Change of Scenery

    Today, move to Sun Moon Lake by private vehicle with an English Speaking Guide (at removal) for 10 hours. Sun Moon Lake is situated in Taiwan and is arranged 762 meters above ocean level in the grand piles of Central Taiwan. Upon appearance, appreciate a private boat visit through Sun Moon Lake including the popular Wenwu Temple or Literature Warrior Temple committed to Confucius as Master of Pen and to Kuan Ti as Master of Sword, Tehua Village, Tse-En Pagoda, and Holy Monk Shrine. Thereafter, you will be moved to your convenience in Sun Moon Lake.


    The Journey Continues…

    Earlier today, after breakfast at your inn, move to Kaohsiung situated in southern Taiwan by private vehicle with an English Speaking Guide (at removal for as long as 10 hours). Upon appearance, you will head to Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Monastery, the most celebrated Buddhist hallowed spot of southern Taiwan. Here you will find out about Buddhism during a cloister strolling visit and visit the Main Shrine and Great Buddha Land, where you will track down an enormous Buddha sculpture. You may even get the opportunity to participate in 60 minutes in length petition/contemplation meeting drove by one of the priests (subject to accessibility). A while later, you will proceed to Kaohsiung City, which is the second-biggest city in Taiwan. Find the lively Lio Ho Night Market prior to going to your convenience in Kaohsiung.


    A Dazzling Drive

    Toward the beginning of today, move to Taitung by means of the Southern Link Highway by private vehicle with an English Speaking Guide (at removal) for 10 hours. On the way, you will visit the delightful Kenting National Park, situated at Taiwan’s southern tip. The 37 miles of coral-rimmed shoreline along three sides of the recreation center give its primary attractions. A stop will be made at Oluanpi Light House, Maopitou coast beautiful zone, and Kenting Forest Recreation Area prior to showing up at Taitung.


    On the up and up

    After breakfast at your inn, move to Hualien by private vehicle with an English Speaking Guide (at removal) for 10 hours. Start the day with an energizing East Coast National Scenic Tour. The East Coast National Scenic Area, known as ”Taiwan’s last untainted land”, extends 170 kilometers down the east bank of the island. Enduring, disintegration and amassing have delivered a wide scope of landforms here. You will make stops at Siaoyeliou, Sansientai, Stone Steps, and Caves of the Eight Immortals. Late evening, show up at Hualien.


    In transit

    After breakfast at your lodging, move to Taipei by private vehicle with an English Speaking Guide (at removal) for 10 hours. On the way, you will go through the whole day visiting Taroko National Park. Taroko Gorge is a particularly lovely, tight raving made by a stream that has cut profound into the mountains of strong marble. A street cut into sheer dividers of rock winds it’s far beyond forested pinnacles and precipices transcending a huge number of feet above it, while many feet under a waterway thunder past colossal marble stones. Stops will be made at Evergreen Shrine, Swallow Grotto, Nine Turns of Tunnel, Marble Bridge, Tienshiang, and Marble industrial facility. A short time later, proceed to Taipei by means of Su Hwa Highway where you will show up in the late evening.

  8. Day 8 TAIPEI

    Bon Voyage

    Meet your driver for an air terminal exchange with a private vehicle and an English talking guide.
