Peru: History, Culture & Sacred Sites


Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu

Find the appetizing mysteries of acclaimed Peruvian gastronomy.

Investigate the antiquated locales and conventional networks of the Sacred Valley.

Take a beautiful train ride and experience sensational Machu Picchu with a private guide.

Visit the city of Cusco and wonder about its Incan remnants.

Including a curated determination of extravagance facilities.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Leisurely
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Peru: History, Culture & Sacred Sites.

A travel experience like no other

This example schedule was made by specialists and is intended to rouse your next trip. It is fit to be modified to suit your inclinations, tastes, and financial plan so you can interface with neighborhood societies and experience genuine travel on your own terms, and leaving at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

LIMA Get Settled

  • Airport with Meet & Greet – Vehicle/Driver/Local Representative (Day)
  • Peru Welcome Package.


  • DAY 2

LIMA Explore with an Expert

  • Lima City Tour & Curated Larco Museum Visit (with Lunch, 6 hrs) – Private Tour.


  • DAY 3

LIMA Tastes and Traditions

  • The Secrets of Peruvian Gastronomy (with Tastings & Lunch, 5.5 hrs).


  • DAY 4


  • Airport – Vehicle/Driver/Local Representative (Day)
  • Air – Lima – Cusco [Direct, 1.5 hrs] – Separate Purchase
  • Transfer – Private – Cusco – Sacred Valley [via Pisac Market] – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Afternoon Acclimatization.


  • DAY 5

SACRED VALLEY Cultural Immersion

  • Huilloc Community Kusi Runa & Ollantaytambo Tour (with Lunch, 7 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 6

SACRED VALLEY A Journey Back in Time

  • The Ancient Temple of Naupa, The Salt Mines of Maras & The Terraces of Moray (6 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 7

SACRED VALLEY Nurtured by Nature

  • Sol y Luna at Leisure – Self-Guided
  • Yacu Wasi Spa Reservations at Sol y Luna.


  • DAY 8


  • Note: Special luggage instructions
  • Transfer – Private – Sacred Valley – Ollantaytambo [Hotel to Train Station] – Vehicle/Local Representative/Driver
  • Transfer – Shared – Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu [Bus up to Machu Picchu (30 min)] – Bus Ticket
  • Train – Ollantaytambo – Aguas Calientes [Vistadome (2 hrs) ] – Train Ticket
  • Machu Picchu Tour (with Lunch, 4 hrs) – Private Tour
  • Transfer – Shared – Machu Picchu – Aguas Calientes [Bus down to Aguas Calientes (30 min)] – Bus Ticket
  • Dinner (included).


  • DAY 9


  • Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo at Leisure – Self-Guided
  • Train – Aguas Calientes – Cusco [Vistadome (4 hrs)] – Train Ticket
  • Train Station – Vehicle/Driver/Local Representative.


  • DAY 10

CUSCO Secrets of the City

  • Walking Tour (3 hrs) – Private Tour
  • Planetarium & Inca Astronomy Tour (2 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 11

CUSCO A Walk Through the Past

  • The Sacred Temples of Cusco: Kusilluchayoc, Amaru Marka Wasi, and Inkilltambo (4 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 12

CUSCO TO LIMA Until Next Time…

  • Cusco at Leisure
  • Airport – Vehicle/Driver/Local Representative
  • Air – Cusco – Lima [Direct, 1.5 hrs] – Separate Purchase.


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves
  • Breakfast every morning at your inn, in addition to any dinners showed on the agenda
  • Hello at the air terminal or your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your schedule features and encounters, your last agenda will affirm the sort of visit
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our neighborhood private aides additionally go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if appropriate)
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for planned exercises are canvassed except if in any case recorded in the schedule
  • Every minute of every day in-objective help from our neighborhood office
  • A completely redone agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Visa charges, vaccination expenses, and nearby takeoff charges (when appropriate)
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight redesigns, or neighborhood camera or video charges
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your schedule
  • Early registration or late registration from lodgings (except if in any case indicated)
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Abundance things charges, and where pertinent, stuff excluded from your toll
  • Snacks, meals, and beverages (drunkard and non-heavy drinker), except if determined in the agenda
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Your worldwide airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get estimating from our Air Team.
  1. Day 1 LIMA

    Get Settled

    Upon appearance to Lima, you will be invited outside of Customs by an English-talking collaborator holding a sign with your name on it. This agent will guide you to your anticipating vehicle and driver, and go with you to your lodging to help with registration.

    An invite bundle containing a city map, visit vouchers, and other helpful data will be hanging tight for you upon landing in your first lodging.

  2. Day 2 LIMA

    Investigate with an Expert

    Established in 1535 and proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991, Lima’s set of experiences is both captivating and turbulent. Find this set of experiences firsthand with your private guide and driver, starting with a visit to the Larco Herrera Museum, home to the most extensive assortment of pre-Columbian craftsmanship on the planet. Companion at formal veils, elaborate busts, brilliant hats, neckbands and studs, and a general cluster of ceramic on a wise curated visit drove by a partner researcher of the historical center. After lunch at the Larco Museum Café, visit Lima’s memorable focus to wonder about extremely old structures, like the Government Palace and City Hall in Plaza Mayor. In a similar square, finished in 1774, is the San Francisco Convent. A great illustration of Spanish Baroque engineering, it stays as striking today as it was in the eighteenth century. Broad sepulchers under the religious circle have the remaining parts of an expected 25,000 people who were covered preceding the kickoff of Lima’s city graveyard – a visit to the matured burial places is one you will probably remember forever. Balancing the day, stop by two of the city’s trendiest barrios, San Isidro and Miraflores. Walk around very much tended promenades, lavish city parks, past government offices, departments, and flourishing organizations as you investigate San Isidro. Please note: Your visit through the Larco Herrera Museum will be driven by a partner researcher and your guide won’t go along with you.

  3. Day 3 LIMA

    Tastes and Traditions

    Lima, generally known as the City of the Kings, is in present-day times a city of gastronomic enjoyments. Host to a portion of the world’s best cafés and most improved kitchens, there are not many spots on the planet with additional to offer to a culinary fan. Today, leave on a vivid, secretly guided cooking course intended to exhibit a portion of the privileged insights behind planning exemplary Peruvian staples. In the wake of meeting your private driver, head to Hotel Bone of the city’s chief store inns – where you will meet one of the skilled cooks, at that point head to Tostaduira Bisseti, an up-to-date café that has been treating local people and voyagers the same to exceptional blends for over 50 years. The subsequent stage is the city’s head market, the San Isidro Local Market. Here you will find out about the wide assortment of fascinating Peruvian natural products, vegetables, spices, and flavors while examining a couple of new showed-up citruses as a smoothie or milkshake. At long last, you will get back to Hotel B to partake in an involved, one-hour culinary course where you will figure out how to plan mouth-watering ceviche and the country’s most celebrated mixed drink, the Pisco Sour. Following a day of inspecting espressos natural products, investigating the San Isidro Local Market, and figuring out how to plan two of Peru’s most mainstream contributions, you will be gotten back to your inn.


    A Change of Scenery

    You will be secretly moved between your inn and Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima by an expert driver and an English-talking agent.

    Load onto a trip in Lima with direct help to Cusco. The estimated flight time is one hour and 15 minutes.

    Appreciate a private exchange with an expert driver and English-talking guide. While in transit to the Sacred Valley, visit the town of Pisac and go to the nearby farming outside the market where craftsmen from everywhere the region assemble to sell their artworks.

    The impacts of being at high heights change from one individual to another. While a few explorers will encounter no inconvenience, others may discover the cycle of acclimatization really testing. To guarantee an agreeable involvement with the coming days, set aside some effort to rest and permit your body to conform to the adjustment of climate.


    Social Immersion

    Treat yourself to a real taste of the Andes with a secretly guided excursion to the nearby Quechua people group of Huilloc. Here, a receiving family will set up a home-cooked, natural supper with neighborhood items gathered in conventional and practical manners, which you will help convey to those tending close-by fields. In a quick world, individuals of Huilloc offer cordiality dependent on old, unwritten laws of the local area which specify that guests are to feel like respected visitors, attached in a craving to share the local area’s set of experiences and customs. Sure to be an excursion feature, find that the exceptionally old customs of the Inca are fit as a fiddle while getting a charge out of a local nibble close by an enticing Quechua family prior to carrying on to the old stronghold, Ollantaytambo. The last Inca fortification to oppose Spanish conquistadors, the fort is a fantastic illustration of Inca military design and is found on the edges of the namesake town in a space known as Temple Hill, regularly the beginning stage for brave explorers taking off on the last leg of the excursion to Machu Picchu.


    A Journey Back in Time

    Submerge yourself in the outside ponders set up by the Incas in an entire day outing. Leave your lodging with your private driver and guide, venturing out to the puzzling sanctuary of Naupa. This amazing stone-cut archeological site offers a brief look into the customs of the Inca and their method of love. Then, appreciate a progression of stone-walled porches that plunge ten stories: this is Moray. Cut into a valley, Moray gives understanding into how well certain yields filled in shifted conditions. At last, visit Maras, where many multi-hued salt lakes course down a solitary mountainside. These pool-sized supplies glint in tints of pink, yellow, and white, and are presently the vital provider of salt to Peru’s best cafés. Amazing instances of early farming practices established in experimental ideas, these wonders are mind-boggling locales to see.


    Supported by Nature

    Invest energy at recreation investigating the conveniences and miracles of Sol Y Luna. Fly with the breeze, cycle along with Andean patios, kayak under snowcapped pinnacles, and trip the old mountain pathways of the Incas. Find distant towns, pioneer houses of worship, and puzzling legacy locales riding a horse or by quad bicycle. A characteristic jungle gym for experience sweethearts, the Sacred Valley offers adrenaline-siphoning exercises above and on the ground, on two or four wheels, by local Paso horse, by walking, and surprisingly on the water. Home to Andean human progress for over 500 years, the Sacred Valley is likewise a genuine mother lode of notable locales including Machu Picchu and lively, flourishing social customs. For the individuals who lean toward their social drenching in the kitchen, Soly Y Luna offers a variety of the Valley’s most satisfactory joys. If it’s not too much trouble, talk with your Destination Expert to help clergyman your ideal day.

    Yacu Wasi Spa at Sol y Luna is the ideal spot to appreciate a wide scope of loosening up remedial medicines. From masques, hydrotherapy, and Reiki to Swedish, Shiatsu, and slim back rubs – among numerous others – Yacu Wasi is a shelter for the individuals who appreciate spoiling. The spa additionally includes a completely prepared exercise center, sauna, steam room, Jacuzzi, and Spanish Bath. Whenever wanted, individual yoga and kendo meetings can likewise be orchestrated. Please note: Spa medicines are excluded and are to be paid for on location.


    Cross a thing off the Bucket List

    Note on Luggage: This morning, the private guide and driver who go with you to the train station in the Sacred Valley will likewise move your essential gear back to Cusco for secure capacity. You will bring an individual short-term pack on board the train to Machu Picchu. Upon appearance to Aguas Calientes, you will land the train and meet your Machu Picchu control right away. This nearby guide will guarantee your overnight sack is sent to your lodging in Aguas Calientes by means of inn doormen. This will permit you to proceed straightforwardly to Machu Picchu. Upon appearance in Cusco, your essential baggage will be hanging tight for you.

    In the organization of a private driver and nearby delegate, leave from the Sacred Valley in transit to Ollantaytambo Train Station, the penultimate stop on your excursion into the old capital of the Inca Empire.

    Board a bus transport in Aguas Calientes and start the 30-minute drive to rise Machu Picchu Mountain on a bent street cut into the mountainside. Transports withdraw oftentimes, leaving Aguas Calientes around at regular intervals.

    Set close to the base of the overwhelming Pinkuylluna Mountain, wander through the tired town of Ollantaytambo to show up at the midway found train station where you will say goodbye to your neighborhood right hand and board the notable Vistadome. Having gotten comfortable, the train will leave along a course that follows the Urubamba River, managing the cost of striking perspectives on the emotional scene as you approach the valley beneath Machu Picchu. Following a two-hour venture, the Vistadome will maneuver into a train station on the lower regions underneath the old stronghold in the town of Aguas Calientes. Here, your neighborhood guide will invite you along with nearby inn doormen who will move your baggage to your convenience.

    Kindly note, exacting baggage limitations apply on board the Vistadome: 1) Only one piece of hand gear is allowed per visitor, gauging a limit of 11 lbs (5 kgs). 2) Hand gear can’t be bigger than 62 square inches. Things that surpass weight or estimation limitations won’t be allowed. Kindly address your Destination Expert for more data.

    Saturated with a secret, the mountain fortification of Machu Picchu has astonished guests since its revelation by American antiquarian and pilgrim Hiram Bingham in 1911. Accepted to have been built at some point around 1450 CE and deserted a little more than a century later, it is one of the world’s most valued legacy destinations, and in light of current circumstances; supplementing an entrancing history and extraordinary engineering are remarkable perspectives on the encompassing mountain ranges and the wild Urubamba River nearly 2,000 feet underneath. With a private guide taking into account your own advantages and giving a useful outline of the set of experiences and engineering of this old fortification, acquire a firsthand comprehension of – and personal appreciation for – the masterpiece in Peruvian travel. Contingent upon the circumstance of your appearance, you will visit the Belmond Sanctuary Lodge, the lone inn found on Machu Picchu, to appreciate a relaxed lunch either previously or after your top to bottom visit.

    Board a van transport at the passage to Machu Picchu and make the 30-minute re-visitation of close by Aguas Calientes. Transport transports withdraw oftentimes, leaving Machu Picchu roughly like clockwork.


    Ride the Rails

    Appreciate time at recreation to completely inundate yourself in the fortunes of Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel. An individual from National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World, the property is home to 12 sections of land of choice regular excellence, and the world’s biggest local orchid assortment. Appreciate an early-daytime birding walk, investigate the amazing orchid trail, visit the pueblo’s natural tea house, or walk the harvest rich local homestead to find out about beekeeping. Subsequent to getting a charge out of a determination of in-house outings, pick to visit the Unu Spa, which consolidates exemplary supporting with an enchanted Andean methodology. Kindly talk with your Destination Expert to make your optimal day at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo.

    After an interesting involvement with the core of the antiquated Inca world, the time has come to leave for the Imperial City, Cusco. Board the Vistadome in Aguas Calientes and unwind as you set out on the beautiful, four-hour excursion to Poroy Train Station close to Cusco. The course tracks with the Urubamba River, ascending and dropping through the bumpy landscape using, were essential, a progression of curve trails. Consider buying a light bite or reward to make this visit through the wide-open much more pleasant. In a little while, you will show up at Poroy Station close to Cusco.

    Appreciate a private exchange between your inn and Poroy Train Station discovered right outside of Cusco close by an expert driver and an English-talking delegate.

  10. Day 10 CUSCO

    Ride the Rails

    Appreciate time at recreation to completely submerge yourself in the fortunes of Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel. An individual from National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World, the property is home to 12 sections of land of wonderful normal magnificence and the world’s biggest local orchid assortment. Appreciate an early-daytime birding walk, investigate the incredible orchid trail, visit the pueblo’s natural tea house, or walk the yield-rich local ranch to find out about beekeeping. Subsequent to getting a charge out of a determination of in-house journeys, select to visit the Unu Spa, which consolidates exemplary sustaining with a mysterious Andean methodology. If it’s not too much trouble, talk with your Destination Expert to make your optimal day at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo.

    After an entrancing involvement with the core of the antiquated Inca world, the time has come to leave for the Imperial City, Cusco. Board the Vistadome in Aguas Calientes and unwind as you leave on the picturesque, four-hour excursion to Poroy Train Station close to Cusco. The course tracks with the Urubamba River, ascending and dropping through rocky territory using, where fundamental, a progression of bend trails. Consider buying a light tidbit or reward to make this stay through the field significantly more pleasant. In a little while, you will show up at Poroy Station close to Cusco.

    Appreciate a private exchange between your inn and Poroy Train Station discovered right outside of Cusco close by an expert driver and an English-talking agent.

  11. Day 11 CUSCO

    A Walk Through the Past

    Set out on a half-day private-guided investigation of Cusco’s consecrated sanctuaries. A previous center of the Incan Empire, Cusco is home to various shrines, tambos (Incan structures), and other significant spots interconnected by ceremonial pathways. Investigate these extraordinary leftovers of the past, appreciate delightful scenes, and gain an understanding of the significant connection between the Incas and their indigenous habitat. Visit the place of Tupac Amaru, the last ruler of the Neo-Inca State, and cross the Qhapaq Ñan, a piece of the Inca Trail. Investigate the spiritualist caverns and wonderful stone carvings of Kusilluchayoc. Enter the Temple of the Moon and Fertility, a spot for profound association and powerful energy. Make a stop at Inkilltambo, a formal place with an enormous stone safeguarding a secret entry and a lot of secrets.

  12. Day 12 CUSCO TO LIMA

    Until Next Time…

    Appreciate some time at relaxation to investigate the curious, notable city of Cusco. Regardless of whether walking around the Imperial City to find the rich history apparently found around each twist or looking for flavorful Novo-Andean food using new fixings sourced from the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Cusco makes certain to please.

    Appreciate a private exchange between your lodging and Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport in Cusco close by an expert driver and an English-talking delegate.

    Get onto a trip in Cusco with direct assistance to Lima. The estimated flight time is one hour and 25 minutes.
