Laos Signature


Vientiane, Vang Vieng, Luang Prabang

Participate in a delightful cooking class in Vientiane.

Kayak through the rich wilderness open country.

Test new treats during a visit to a natural homestead.

Move to the highest point of Mt. Phusi for astounding perspectives on the city.

Painstakingly chose premium lodgings.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Moderate
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Laos Signature.

A travel experience like no other

This example agenda was made by specialists and is intended to move your next trip. It is fit to be altered to suit your inclinations, tastes, and spending plan so you can interface with neighborhood societies and experience valid travel on your own terms, and withdrawing at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

VIENTIANE The Adventure Begins

  • Airport Meet & Greet
  • Airport – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 2

VIENTIANE A Walk Through the Past

  • A Showcase of Arts – Buddha Park (with Lunch, 8 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide.


  • DAY 3


  • 1/2 Day Vientiane Cooking Class (with Lunch, 3 hrs) – Vehicle
  • Transfer – Private – Vientiane – Vang Vieng [2.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 4

VANG VIENG Live Like a Local

  • The Vang Vieng Experience (with Lunch, 9 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide.


  • DAY 5

VANG VIENG Take to the Trails

  • Secret Eden Trek (with Lunch, 8 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide.


  • DAY 6


  • Transfer – Private – Vang Vieng – Luang Prabang [6-8 hrs] – Vehicle/Driver.


  • DAY 7

LUANG PRABANG A Bit of Time on Your Own

  • 1/2 Day Almsgiving near Luang Prabang (2 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide
  • At Leisure.


  • DAY 8

LUANG PRABANG Chasing Waterfalls

  • Essential Luang Prabang & the Kuangsi Waterfall (with Lunch, 9 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


  • DAY 9


  • Airport – Vehicle/Driver/Guide.


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves
  • Breakfast every morning at your inn, in addition to any dinners demonstrated in the schedule
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the kind of visit
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our nearby private aides likewise go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if material)
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for booked exercises are covered, except if in any case recorded in the agenda
  • All day, every day in-objective help from our neighborhood office
  • A completely redone agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Identification expenses, inoculation expenses, and nearby takeoff charges (when relevant)
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight updates, or nearby camera or video expenses
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your agenda
  • Early registration or late registration from lodgings (except if in any case indicated)
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Overabundance things charges, and where material, stuff excluded from your toll
  • Snacks, meals, and beverages (drunkard and non-heavy drinker), except if determined in the agenda
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get estimating from our Air Team
  1. Day 1 VIENTIANE

    The Adventure Begins

    For your additional solace, your guide will be hanging tight for you outside the traditions region with a sign with your name on it. Your guide will help you to coordinate getting together with your private driver and go with you to your convenience.

    You will be secretly moved between the air terminal and your lodging by an expert driver and an English-talking guide.

  2. Day 2 VIENTIANE

    A Walk Through the Past

    Meet your guide and travel away to the Xieng Khouang Buddha Park by Tuk. Here, a maverick priest shaped his own faction and started to form brilliant, shocking sculptures out of concrete, in view of Hindu, Buddhist, and Brahman iconography. This is a strange spot loaded with fascinating photographic freedoms that you’ll doubtlessly need to share back home. After a neighborhood lunch, visit a close by meshing workshop and gain experiences in the popular Lao conventional silk weaving. Appreciate perusing the made works of art, which make tremendous great keepsakes, at that point unwind as you are gotten back to your inn.

    Where you’ll be remaining


    Inventive Cuisine

    Following an early get from your lodging at 7:30 am, you’ll move to the nearby produce market. Subsequent to getting a couple of elements for the cooking class to follow, enjoy a snappy reprieve at a beguiling coffeehouse to appreciate a new brew in front of your private home cooking class. Upon appearance, you will find out about the various sauces, flavors, fixings, and staples of the locale. After this presentation, get set for an involved encounter where you will get ready and cook your own dinner, including three fundamental courses, tacky rice, and different bites. After all the cooking, partake in lunch along with your receiving family and find out about family designs and customs prior to being gotten back to your lodging.

    You will be secretly moved from Vientiane to Vang Vieng by a private guide and an expert driver. The estimated travel time is two hours and 30 minutes

  4. Day 4 VANG VIENG

    Live Like a Local

    After an inn hall rendezvous with your guide, board an anticipating Tuk and move to the peaceful shores of the Nam Song River. Here, your morning starts vigorously with a relaxed kayaking experience, rowing past astounding limestone karst mountains. Not long after, you’ll visit a nearby Khmu town where you’ll appreciate a bona fide lunch with an enticing family in their enchanting nursery. En route, you’ll find out about the practices and culture of animism just as how the neighborhood rice wine, ”Lao Hai”, is created. Balancing the experience, join your guide for a stroll among the rice paddies to a secret cavern, and thereafter, unwind on the return Tuk move to your lodging.

  5. Day 5 VANG VIENG

    Take to the Trails

    Your climbing experience in the field outside of Vang Vieng starts with an exchange toward the north to Ban Phathao, a Hmong town. Upon appearance, journey across the precarious mountain reach to arrive at a precipice with marvelous all-encompassing perspectives. Close to the highest point of the edge lies the Tham Hok Cave. It contains probably the greatest underground rock formations and stalagmites to be found in the area. After the drop-down of the most distant side of the mountain, you’ll show up in what is known as the Secret Eden Valley. Here, you’ll possess energy for a dip in cool pools while lunch is readied. In the early evening proceed with the journey, this time without such a lot of climbing, finishing near the beginning stage of the experience where an anticipating vehicle will be prepared to move you back to Vang Vieng. If it’s not too much trouble, note: This is a difficult climb most appropriate for dynamic visitors without portability limits.


    On the Road Again

    Meet your private driver and vehicle for an exchange to Luang Prabang. The surmised travel time is 6-8 hours relying upon road conditions.


    A Bit of Time all alone

    The chimes of the town’s cloisters cost at daybreak when lines of priests arise to get their morning rice from the residents. Get up early toward the beginning of today and appreciate some hot tea and treats. Soon after, set out to deferentially observe this consecrated custom regular of old Laos: long queues of shoeless priests weaving through the roads on their aid adjusts. This will be in a town away from where once in a while any travelers are seen. Here you will have the chance to observe a legitimate almsgiving service. You will be provided with contributions you can offer to the priests. A short time later, visit the Morning Market and see a variety of meats, vegetables, and flavors local people use in their cooking, at that point get back to your lodging for a very much acquired breakfast. Please note: If you wish to take photos, if it’s not too much trouble, guarantee they don’t meddle with this exceptionally worshipped custom. It is suggested, out of regard, to value the experience without taking photos.

    Appreciate time at relaxation to investigate at your own speed, or unwind at your inn.


    Pursuing Waterfalls

    Meet your guide at your lodging and set off to investigate the notable and enchanting legacy of Luang Prabang. Travel via vehicle to start your excursion at the most mainstream of sanctuaries – Wat Xieng Thong. This 500-year-old sanctuary fills in as the best illustration of the exemplary Luang Prabang style. You will likewise visit close by Wat Mai and Wat Sene, influencing Buddhist sanctuaries. From here, investigate neighborhood and intriguing side roads, going through back rear entryways and sanctuaries in a city that appears to have been planned in view of moderate travel. Earlier today walk permits you to absorb the mood and value the secret charms of Luang Prabang while your guide visits with you and local people, posing and noting inquiries of interest as you wind through the town. Keep meandering the promontory, halting at sanctuaries and different locales as you wish. Make certain to visit the National Museum, the previous Royal Palace. Relics from Laos’s traditionalist past stay here and ought not to be missed on your visit. Neglecting the royal residence is Phousi Mountain; it is said that the individuals who don’t ascend the 328 stages up have not actually made it to the city. In the event that you are capable and slanted, adventure up the slope to be remunerated with astounding perspectives on the locale. Be that as it may, save some energy – the day is simply starting. Then, you’ll head out south to the Kuang Si Waterfall by Tuk, halting en route to visit the Living Crafts Center, where you will perceive how materials are made and meet weavers who keep these customs alive. At the falls, precious stone waters course into untainted turquoise pools; a swimsuit is enthusiastically suggested as hardly any discover places as pure to take a plunge. Additionally, set aside an effort to visit the close by Sunbear Refuge to find out about poaching. It is disappointing, however here you’ll figure out how the chasing of these imperiled animals compromises their actual presence. In transit back to the town, stop to visit the Buffalo Dairy Farm, known for its manageable way to deal with nearby cultivating. A phenomenal method to complete your day and more than family-arranged fun, it is an instructive encounter. After an active visit through the ranches that will unquestionably bring about stories to get back, unwind in the bistro and appreciate the cake of the day presented with frozen yogurt and tea or espresso prior to going to your lodging.
