Imperial Cities of Morocco


Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, Marrakech.

Private guided City and Culture Tours of Casablanca and Marrakech.

Find the customary Artisan’s quarter in Fes with a private guide.

Decide to tourist Balloon, ATV, or Horseback ride in Marrakech.

Investigate the Labyrinth of the Saadian Tombs with a private guide.

Go through evenings in premium Hotels.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Discovery, Family, Guided Tours
  • Activity Level Leisurely
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Imperial Cities of Morocco.

A travel experience like no other

This example agenda was made by specialists and is intended to motivate your next trip. It is fit to be modified to suit your inclinations, tastes, and financial plan so you can associate with nearby societies and experience genuine travel on your own terms, and leaving at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

CASABLANCA TO RABAT The Adventure Begins

  • Meet & Greet and Assist – Assistant
  • Welcome to Morocco
  • Transfer – Casablanca – Rabat [1.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Lunch (not included)
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 2

RABAT TO FES Here we Go!

  • Transfer – Rabat – Fes [with Meknes and Volubilis Tour, 6 hrs] – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Lunch (not included)
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 3

FES Get a Lay of the Land

  • Vehicle and Guide – Private
  • Exploring Fes (6-8 hrs) – Private
  • Lunch (not included)
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 4

FES A-Town Frozen in Time

  • Vehicle and Guide – Private
  • 1/2 Day Exploring the Traditional Artisan’s District (3-4 hrs) – Entrance
  • Lunch (not included)
  • At Leisure
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 5

FES TO MARRAKECH The Journey Continues…

  • Transfer – Fes – Marrakech [7.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Lunch (not included)
  • At Leisure
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 6

MARRAKECH It’s All Ancient History

  • Vehicle and Guide – Private
  • Marvels of Marrakech (6-8 hrs) – Private
  • Lunch (not included)
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 7

MARRAKECH A Walk Through the Past

  • Vehicle and Guide – Private
  • Museums and Gardens of Marrakech (3-4 hrs) – Private Tour
  • Lunch (not included)
  • Dinner (not included).


  • DAY 8


  • Transfer – Marrakech – Casablanca [2.5 hrs] – Vehicle/Driver.



The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • A completely tweaked agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable
  • day in and day out in-objective help from our nearby office
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for booked exercises are covered, except if in any case recorded in the schedule
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our nearby private aides additionally go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if material)
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the sort of visit
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our delegates – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Breakfast every morning at your inn, in addition to any dinners demonstrated in the agenda
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get evaluation from our Air Team
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Snacks, meals, and beverages (drunkard and non-heavy drinker), except if indicated in the agenda
  • Abundance things charges, and where material, stuff excluded from your passage
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Early registration or late registration from lodgings (except if in any case determined)
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your agenda
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight updates, or nearby camera or video charges
  • Visa charges, inoculation expenses, and nearby takeoff charges (when relevant).

    The Adventure Begins

    Upon appearance into Casablanca, you will be met on the landing area by a neighborhood agent and accompanied through Customs and Immigration, evading any lines en route.

    Our neighborhood agent will furnish you with your movement reports and go over the agenda in extraordinary detail.

    You will be secretly moved among Casablanca and Rabat by an expert driver and an English-talking guide. The inexact travel time is one hour and 30 minutes.

    Lunch excluded from the visit cost. Your driver, as well as a guide, will help you with lunch choices in transit.

  2. Day 2 RABAT TO FES

    Here We Go!

    A private vehicle with English talking driver will give an exchange among Rabat and Fes. During the exchange, investigate the Imperial City of Meknes alongside the Roman city of Volubilis. In times long past, Volubilis was a significant Roman town arranged close to the westernmost line of the Roman Empire. It was based on the site of a past Carthaginian settlement from the third century BC. Volubilis was the authoritative focus of the region in Roman Africa called Mauretania Tingitana. The fruitful terrains of the region delivered numerous products like grain and olive oil, which were traded to Rome, adding to the area’s riches and flourishing. Find the Imperial city of Meknes known as the ”Moroccan Versailles.”  Meknes was established in the seventeenth century by King Moulay Ismail. It is celebrated for its 25-mile-long dividers. Upon landing in Fes, an inn drop-off is given.

    Lunch excluded from the visit cost. Your driver or potentially guide will help you with lunch alternatives in transit.

  3. Day 3 FES

    Get a Lay of the Land

    Meet your guide in the lodging hall toward the beginning of today, at that point set out to investigate Fes, the social and profound focus of Morocco. Otherwise called Fes el Bali, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was established in the ninth century and is additionally home to the world’s most seasoned college, established in 859 CE. The city of Fes arrived at its actual monetary and social tallness through the thirteenth and14th hundreds of years under the Merinids, at which time it supplanted Marrakesh as the capital of the realm. Albeit the political capital of Morocco was moved to Rabat in 1912, Fes has held its status as the country’s craftsman place. Workshops facilitating ace specialists in the medina areas occupied today as they were many years prior and firmly add to the city’s mechanical economy. Exchanges, for example, blacksmithing, leatherworking, pottery, silk weaving, and chiseling are as yet drilled, and you’ll sure to observe this firsthand for the duration of the day. The tannery of Fes, brilliant and impactful, is an absolute necessity; here, laborers work in little pools loaded up with explicit colors to treat their products. The first bulwarks actually secure this old city, and its assessed 9,000 paths and clamoring roads are a delight to investigate. With a private driver and master manager next to you, find the fundamental features of Fes throughout this entire day visit.

  4. Day 4 FES

    A Town Frozen in Time

    This evening set out to visit the confounded souks of Fes with your private guide. Among the numerous shops and slows down are craftsman workshops and studios where conventional abilities, passed somewhere near Moorish émigrés from Andalusia for ages, are as yet drilled by ace experts. Metal and cowhide laborers, earthenware, silk, embroidery, and chiseling aces all assemble nearby, similarly as in hundreds of years past. Features of the visit incorporate visiting a tremendous outdoors tannery and the zest souk known as El Attarine, without a doubt the most dynamic in Fes, just as the henna and carpentry souks situated in the Nejjarine neighborhood where the hefty fragrance of cedar waits for noticeable all around. Here, the primary square is fixed with trees that give an invite relief from the warm sun and is likewise where you can the city’s best texture dyers. Fleece and cotton are treated in beautiful colors here, and little surges of overabundance shades glide down the roads as completed articles of clothing are finished and washed. Following a couple of long periods of exploring the Artisan’s Quarter, you will be gotten back to your lodging.

    Appreciate time at recreation to investigate at your own speed, or unwind at your inn.


    The Journey Continues…

    Travel in a secretly determined vehicle from Fes to Marrakech, making a lunch stop in transit. Investigate the rough territory of the Middle Atlas Mountain range, flaunting transcending precipice faces, and mind-boggling passes. Drive by the beautiful Berber towns of Immouzer de Kandar and the college town of Ifrane for a brief look into provincial living in Morocco. Investigate the Kasbah of Ras El Ain and blend among the traders to track down the ideal blessing. The rough travel time is seven hours and 30 minutes.

    Lunch excluded from the visit cost. Your guide and additionally guide will help with lunch alternatives in transit.

    Appreciate time at relaxation to investigate at your own speed, or unwind at your lodging.

  6. Day 6 MARRAKECH

    It’s All Ancient History

    The sweeping and dynamic history of Marrakech – an imperial capital in centuries past – is best appreciated with the help of a private guide. Today, begin your tour of Ochre City with a visit to the Koutoubia Mosque. Constructed in the 12th century, it’s known for its beautiful minaret which can be seen from nearly every approach to the city due to a long-standing ordinance that forbids any other building in the old city to rise above the height of a palm tree. After viewing Koutoubia Mosque, visit the nearby El-Bahia Palace. Translated to English, the El Bahia Palace means “Palace of Brilliance,” and this incredible, ornate, and meticulously crafted property is endowed with some of the finest ceramics in the country. This 19th-century palace was built over a seven-year period for Ba Ahmed, the son of the Grand Vizier Si Moussa. Featuring a trapezoidal garden, tiled courtyard, and many hidden treasures in the form of antique objects d’art and the palace’s convergence of Andalusian and Moorish architecture, it is a must-see site. Your next stop is one of the most coveted archeological sites in Morocco: the Saadian Tombs. Opened to the public in 1917, they are accessed through a narrow passage that leads to an enclosed garden and into two mausoleums that host more than one hundred mosaic-decorated tombs. The Musee De Marrakech, your next stop, is an important example of Moorish architecture, and the main courtyard and chambers are host to impressive feats of design; elaborate archways, gorgeous stained glass, and a collection of ceramics that are sure to dazzle. Finally, wander through the mesmerizing souks of Marrakesh. With 18 souks selling a dizzying array of handicrafts, textiles, spices, foods, electronics, antiques, and everything in between, the souks of Marrakech are the perfect place to find a keepsake to bring home or to simply get in touch with day-to-day life in the Red City.

  7. Day 7 MARRAKECH

    A Walk Through the Past

    Appreciate a guided strolling visit through the Gardens of Majorelle, a property obtained in 1922 by painter Jacques Majorelle. Subsequent to going through almost 40 years making his ”Ochre City”, the responsibility for garden changed to the groups of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge in 1980. A desert spring in the city, the broad nurseries include a noteworthy assortment of desert flora, colorful plants, and novel tree species painstakingly positioned to stress their excellence. Pools, streams, and wellsprings add to the appeal, as does the birdsong of the many winged animals that call this spot home. Carry on to the Gardens of Menara; a region that has in its middle a colossal pool dating from the twelfth century. At the edge of the water, among the different plants and olive trees, is a little Saadian house which throughout the most recent century has been modified and depended on its unique magnificence. Appreciate the rest of the outing investigating the close by landmarks that encompass the nurseries. Subsequent to investigating the nurseries and Yves Saint Laurent Museum, you’ll make the 20-minute drive to the close by Palmery Museum. Highlighting fascinating plants and blossoms, amazing models, and show-stoppers, it is a delight to investigate. Whenever you have had sufficient chance to visit the Palmery Museum, you will be gotten back to your inn.


    Until Next Time…

    A private vehicle with English talking driver will give an exchange between Marrakech and Casablanca.  The surmised travel time is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
