Cultural Bosnia & Croatia Discovery


Sarajevo, Dubrovnik

Take a private visit through Sarajevo, including the passage that assisted residents with enduring the longest attack in current history.

Delay for pictures at Stari Most, Mostar’s stunning stone scaffold.

Climb up Bjelašnica for fantastic perspectives on Bosnia’s Rakitnica stream valley.

Visit wonderful Dubrovnik and the beautiful Konavle on Croatia’s Adriatic coast.

Stay at a handpicked choice of premium facilities.

  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
    Culture, Family, Guided Tours, History
  • Activity Level Strenuous
  • Group Size Medium Group
All about the Cultural Bosnia & Croatia Discovery.

A travel experience like no other

This example schedule was made by specialists and is intended to rouse your next trip. It is fit to be tweaked to suit your inclinations, tastes, and spending plan so you can associate with neighborhood societies and experience valid travel on your own terms, and leaving at whatever point you pick.

  • DAY 1

SARAJEVO Get Settled

  • Airport with Meet & Greet – Vehicle/Guide/Driver
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Welcome Package.


  • DAY 2

SARAJEVO A Healthy Dose of History

  • City Tour with War Tunnel (6 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


  • DAY 3

SARAJEVO Venture into the Outdoors

  • Hiking the Bjelasnica Mountain (with Lunch, 9 hrs) – Vehicle/Guide/Driver.


  • DAY 4


  • Transfer – Private – Sarajevo – Dubrovnik [via Mostar Walking Tour (8 hrs)] – Vehicle/Local Guide/Driver
  • Croatia Welcome Package.


  • DAY 5

DUBROVNIK A Walk Through the Past

  • Walking Tour (3 hrs) – Private.


  • DAY 6

DUBROVNIK Sights and Insights

  • Konavle Region with Cavtat (with Lunch, 5 hrs).


  • DAY 7

DUBROVNIK Tastes and Traditions

  • Sunset Cruise to the Elaphiti Islands (with Dinner, 3 hrs) – Vehicle/Driver & Boat/Skipper.


  • DAY 8

DUBROVNIK Pack Your Bags

  • Airport Departure – Vehicle/Driver.


The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.
  • One bag and one carry-on per individual for trip moves
  • Breakfast every morning at your inn, in addition to any suppers demonstrated in the schedule
  • Hello at the air terminal or at your convenience from one of our agents – your master will affirm your meet and welcome area with you
  • Nearby private aides or shared visits that take you through your agenda features and encounters, your last schedule will affirm the kind of visit
  • A private driver for visits and moves (in certain nations our nearby private aides likewise go about as your driver – your Destination Expert will examine with you if material)
  • All convenience stays, visits, and moves for planned exercises are shrouded except if in any case recorded in the agenda
  • day in and day out in-objective help from our neighborhood office
  • A completely altered agenda dependent on your inclinations and timetable.
What is not included in this tour?Items that are not included in the cost of tour price.
  • Visa expenses, inoculation expenses, and neighborhood flight charges (when relevant)
  • Discretionary improvements like room or flight redesigns, or neighborhood camera or video charges
  • Extra touring, exercises, and encounters outside of your schedule
  • Early registration or late registration from inns (except if in any case indicated)
  • Individual charges like clothing, calls, SIM cards, or room administration
  • Abundance things charges, and where appropriate, stuff excluded from your passage
  • Snacks, suppers, and beverages (heavy drinker and non-drunkard), except if indicated in the agenda
  • Tips for administrations and encounters
  • Visas (except if noted)
  • Travel protection, which we offer and can be bought after you’ve booked your visit
  • Your global airfare – kindly can let your master say whether you’d prefer to get evaluating from our Air Team.
  1. Day 1 SARAJEVO

    Get Settled

    Make the most of your private air terminal exchange to your lodging with a vehicle and driver. For your additional solace, an English talking aide will assist you with checking in and walk you through the invite bundle reports, your agenda, and answer your inquiries.

    An invite bundle with a city map and some other touristic data that we consider you may discover helpful will be sitting tight for you upon your appearance.

  2. Day 2 SARAJEVO

    A Healthy Dose of History

    Meet your private guide and driver to leave on an investigation of Sarajevo. Being on the edge of domains for millennia has left Sarajevo with a rich authentic legacy. Today you’ll find the old town’s engineering, an exceptional mix of middle age Ottoman and nineteenth-century Austro-Hungarian styles. Jump into the entrancing rear entryways of Bascarsija, the fifteenth-century Ottoman marketplace, concealing various expert shops, caravansary, stone-vaulted business sectors, and spots of love. Cross the notorious Latin Bridge, where Serbian patriot Gavrilo Princip shot and slaughtered the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, along these lines starting World War I. With scars of the new clash not completely blurred, you’ll find more about the 1990s attack on the city. Your visit proceeds with a ride-along to Sarajevo’s conflict locales where you’ll notice perspectives on shot holed structures and a purported ”marksman back street”, taking in of the new conflict from your guide’s accounts and declarations. A novel and intriguing stop on your visit will be the Sarajevo War Tunnel – the trick of the trade of the conflict in Bosnia. Implicit 1992, it addresses an image of four-year-long protection from the attack of the city, the longest attack of a city in present-day history.

  3. Day 3 SARAJEVO

    Adventure into the Outdoors

    Today meet your private guide and driver for a climbing experience on the Bjelasnica Mountain, perhaps the most lovely mountains in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Your first stop is the town of Umoljani, the beginning of your climbing trail. During the visit, you’ll find the Seven Watermills and follow the edge until the amazing Rakitnica Canyon opens up before you. Climb uphill until you arrive at the stream known as the Cascades of Studeni Potok and the fields of Student Polje. Appreciate pleasant perspectives on the long level valley before you and the snake-like arrangements of the stream. You’ll next meet your driver for a private exchange to the town of Lukomir, the most separated town in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here you’ll appreciate lunch, an opportunity to unwind, and an exceptional perspective on Rakitnica Canyon that drops down in excess of 2,625 feet. In the early evening, your guide and driver will return you to Sarajevo.

    If it’s not too much trouble, note you will climb 2-3 hours on for the most part level ways, delegated simply to medium in the degree of trouble.


    A Journey Back in Time

    Today meet your driver for a private exchange to Dubrovnik. On your way, stop at Mostar and meet your guide for a flawless private strolling visit through the Old Town of Mostar. Stroll along the Old Bridge and to Mostar’s cobbled Ottoman Quarter, which houses the city’s specialists and skilled workers, just as wonderful sixteenth-century mosques, galleries, and bistros. The old town (Tarija) that created around the new stone scaffold (Stari Most) was finished by Dalmatian skilled workers, in 1566. This oriental piece of the city actually safeguards its old practice of profoundly talented skilled workers in metal etching, painting, and carpet weaving. During your visit, you will likewise visit the Koski Mehmed Pasa Mosque from 1671 and the Muslibegovic House quite possibly the most delegate landmarks of Ottoman private design. Invest some energy all alone before your exchange to Dubrovnik.

    An invite bundle with a city map and some other touristic data that we consider you may discover helpful will be hanging tight for you upon your landing in your first inn on your outing.

  5. Day 5 DUBROVNIK

    A Walk Through the Past

    Meet your neighborhood direct for a private strolling visit through Dubrovnik, perhaps the most delightful stone-fabricated urban areas on the planet. In excess of long-term history is reflected in all aspects of the town. As one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Dubrovnik owes its exceptional appeal to the memorable landmarks which vouch for its rich history. While walking around your guide down Stradun, the principal street, pause for a visit of the Franciscan cloister of the Order of Friars Minors, protecting one of the three most seasoned drug stores taking all things together of Europe. Proceed down to the fifteenth-century knight sculpture known as the Orlando Column, and the sixteenth-century Sponza Palace, at that point visit the Church of St. Blasius, devoted to the supporter holy person of the town. You’ll likewise find the middle age Rector’s Palace, the radiant construction of the dukes of Dubrovnik, and the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary, home to firsts by Tiziano and Rafaelo among other important relics. A while later, you’ll head out in different directions from your guide for quite a while at recreation to investigate this shocking town all alone, permitting you to find some nearby interests settled in the many-sided organization of cobblestone roads. Maybe go for a stroll along with the city dividers (1.5 miles around the old town), visit one of the various historical centers, or take a funicular ride to the highest point of Mount Srd. A while later, advance back to the lodging autonomously.

  6. Day 6 DUBROVNIK

    Sights and Insights

    Toward the beginning of today meet your guide and driver in the lodging anteroom for a private visit through the Dubrovnik Hinterland – the district of Konavle. The district of differentiation and outstanding excellence, mountains and valleys, green slopes and stripped stone; slants down to the comfortable bays of little anglers towns. Your first objective is the old Mediterranean town of Cavtat. In the same way as other Dalmatian towns, Cavtat started as a Greek settlement, called Epidaurus, and later turned into a Roman state. Toward the start of the seventh century, Avars and Slavs attacked Cavtat and annihilated the town. Exiles from the town shaped another settlement – Dubrovnik. Since those occasions, Cavtat has consistently been indivisibly limited with the historical backdrop of Dubrovnik. Your guide will go for you for a walk through this pleasant little town – its cobbled roads with customary red-roofed houses, tight flights of stairs, and a beguiling promenade along the shore. Your walk will take you to the highest point of the slope, where you will find the unprecedented Mausoleum of Račić Family, a work of Ivan Meštrović, the most conspicuous Croatian artist. After the walk, you will proceed with your investigation of the wide-open of Konavle. In the town of Čilipi, you will be invited by a neighborhood family to their humble provincial domain of Bakicevo. You will make the most of their neighborliness in a novel mood of a conventional stone-fabricated house. Your hosts will take you around their nursery where they develop different kinds of vegetables in an antiquated manner. The fixings that will be utilized for your lunch today come from their nursery. With the charming aromas of the nearby cooking, your hosts will set up the conventional Dalmatian forte of the pinnacle – food arranged under the iron chime, for you. After this scrumptious lunch, your guide and driver will return you to your inn.

  7. Day 7 DUBROVNIK

    Tastes and Traditions

    Meet your private driver for an exchange to the port, from where you’ll set out on a novel and heartfelt Elafiti Islands experience this evening. Meet your English-talking captain and set out on a private nightfall voyage to the Elafiti Islands where you’ll be blessed to receive a brilliant supper aground in a neighborhood café (drinks excluded). Eat with the background of a tranquil setting in perhaps the most heartfelt puts on the Adriatic Coast. Thereafter, rejoin your captain for your return journey to Dubrovnik, trailed by a private exchange from the port.

  8. Day 8 DUBROVNIK

    Gather Your Bags

    A private exchange will be accommodated you today between your inn and Dubrovnik air terminal on schedule for your forward flight.
